Sunday, June 17, 2012

Quotable Quotes: Sunday Morning Pillow Talk

Sometime between dawn and bagels...
Me: I know we aren't supposed to, but I think we should have sex.
N: Don't write checks your pussy can't cash.
Me: Fair enough. Want to do a crossword?
N: Sure.
This is the least fun way to make a baby. Ever.


  1. Hey thanks for finding my blog, I've been looking through your archives and you are funny as hell! :-) This is no exception.

  2. Loved your preggo-phobia post. Best of lucky on the rhino birth.
    I'm sorry you've been through so much, Mo. Fingers crossed for a turn of events.
    Hugs and best wishes,

  3. <3 this post. you're hilarious.
    thanks for stopping over at my house and leaving me a comment.
    I'm excited about the fact that you're going to pee on things very soon. Wishing that this makes your dreams come true.
